Dedicated to helping people just like you.
The Biddle Law Firm is dedicated to helping people just like you solve their financial problems with Chapter 13 Debtors Court and Chapter 7 Bankruptcy in the Birmingham, Alabama area. Learn More…
Benefits of Bankruptcy or Debtors Court
- STOP: creditor harassment, garnishments, repossessions, lawsuits, foreclosures, collection calls and letters
- Eliminate credit cards, medical bills, loans, and many other types of debt
- Reduce car payments
- Catch up on mortgage payments
- Eliminate or lower interest rate on almost all bills
- Keep your property and belongings
- Consolidate bills and lower your monthly payments
- Reinstate your driver’s license
Contact us today.
We offer FREE advice by phone and FREE appointments and consultations.
Get your life back on track. Get peace of mind and a fresh start.
We use powerful federal laws to provide you with financial relief and help you achieve a fresh start. A Bankruptcy or Debtors Court case will not be the end of the world; it will be your fresh start.
Bankruptcy and debtors court can help you. Call and speak with a Birmingham bankruptcy lawyer today at 205.328.3328.
Let us put an end to your financial worries. We are here to help you!
When should you call the Biddle Law Firm?
Too many people put off Bankruptcy and Debtors Court until a major crisis occurs such as foreclosure of a home, repossession of a vehicle, garnishment of wages or bank accounts, or service of a lawsuit. Although it is not too late for us to help you, we can provide the best relief the earlier you call.
When you call the Biddle Law Firm, you will be able to speak personally with a Birmingham bankruptcy lawyer to discuss your situation. Call 205.328.3328 today to schedule a free and confidential appointment.
We offer FREE advice by phone and FREE appointments and consultations.
Why the Biddle Law Firm?
Greg Biddle started the Biddle Law Firm, P.C. in 2000 and has practiced bankruptcy law for over 34 years. Mr. Biddle has represented clients in over 2500 Bankruptcy and Debtors Court cases.
Frequently Asked Questions
That depends on your own unique financial situation. At the Biddle Law Firm, you will meet personally with an attorney who will analyze your debts, income, and expenses to determine which is the best option for you.
No. An experienced Birmingham Bankruptcy attorney can make the process painless and easy for you.
No. Filing a Bankruptcy or Debtors Court case is not the problem. Financial difficulties and the inability to pay bills are the problems that are causing your stress. Filing a Bankruptcy or Debtors Court case is the solution to your problems.
Yes. Bankruptcy and Debtors Court are complicated legal processes. You need an experienced attorney to help you accurately complete the paperwork and interpret the legal issues. At The Biddle Law Firm, an experienced Birmingham Bankruptcy attorney will guide you through the process and make sure your case meets all of the legal requirements. The Bankruptcy Court’s office is prohibited by law from giving you legal advice. Only a licensed attorney can give you legal advice.
Yes. Once you file a Bankruptcy or Debtors Court case, all creditor harassment must stop. The Court will order an automatic stay which means that creditors can no longer call you on the telephone, send you collection letters, or attempt to have any contact with you.
Yes. Bankruptcy or Debtors Court can stop the lawsuit no matter how far along the lawsuit has proceeded. The Court will order an automatic stay which effectively stops the lawsuit.
No. Federal and state laws provide you with exemptions which will protect your home, cars, and personal belongings in a vast majority of cases.
Yes. Many of our clients receive offers for loans and credit cards as soon as they receive their Bankruptcy discharge (which is about 4 months after your Bankruptcy case is filed). This is because lenders know that most individuals who file a Bankruptcy case no longer have any debt. Also, lenders know that an individual will not be able to file again for a certain number of years. Therefore, lenders conclude that this increases the likelihood of repayment. As a result, many lenders solicit business from individuals who have received a discharge in Bankruptcy or Debtors Court.
No. If you are married, you can file Bankruptcy or Debtors Court without the necessity of your spouse filing with you. However, your spouse is allowed to file with you if you choose.
Usually the only people who know about the filing are your creditors who receive notice of the filing from the Court.
Yes. You can receive a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy discharge every 8 years. Furthermore, you can often file a Debtors Court case immediately after the dismissal of your last Debtors Court case.
It is important to look into your Bankruptcy and Debtors Court options as soon as you determine that you are having financial difficulties. We may be able to get you relief before many of the negative aspects of your financial problems take effect.
Yes. If a creditor files a lawsuit against you, they can go to court and obtain a judgment against you. Once they have a judgment, they can garnish your wages or your bank account. Your creditors can garnish up to 25% of your gross wages. When you file a Bankruptcy or Debtors Court case, the automatic stay will stop wage garnishment regardless of whether the garnishment has started or not. In other words, if a creditor has already started garnishing your paycheck and taken money from several paychecks, filing a Bankruptcy or Debtors Court case will stop the additional garnishment of future wages. Another option for a creditor is to garnish your bank account. Usually you do not receive any notice ahead of time that your bank account will be garnished. This can lead to checks that you have written on the account bouncing, overdraft fees, and other problems. Bankruptcy or Debtors Court will also stop the garnishment of bank accounts.
Filing a Bankruptcy or Debtors Court case is one of the best ways to deal with your debt problems. Bankruptcy and Debtors Court are often better alternatives than withdrawing money from your 401K or other retirement accounts because certain retirement accounts are protected from creditors. Bankruptcy and Debtors Court are often better than taking out another loan or a second mortgage since that can create more debt. In addition, debts discharged in Bankruptcy or Debtors Court are tax free. Unlike some debts that creditors write off, you do not have to pay tax on debts that have been discharged in Bankruptcy or Debtors Court.
Contact us today.
We offer FREE advice by phone and FREE appointments and consultations.